RITUAL THINKING, Chinese translation

Ritual Thinking, Chinese translation from English by Lu Jie, with a new introduction specifically written by the author, Beijing, The Commercial Press.

里奥·佩尔尼奥拉(Mario Perniola)著;吕捷译. --北京 : 商务印书馆,2006. --233页 : 照片 ; 21cm. -- (新世纪美学译丛). -- 并列题名: Ritual thinking. --ISBN 7-100-04552-5:CNY15.00
Yi shi si wei : xing, si wang he shi jie
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Other editions:

Ritual Thinking. Sexuality, Death, World, foreword by Hugh J. Silverman, introduction and traslation by Massimo Verdicchio, with the author’s introduction, Amherst (USA), Humanity Books, 2000.

Pensando o Ritual. Sexualidade, Morte, Mundo, foreword by Annateresa Fabris, translated by Maria do Rósario Toschi, with the author’s introduction, São Paulo, Studio Nobel, 2000.

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