ROMA, Private Seminar, 21-22 March 2013

Sense, Feeling and Body in contemporary Modernity

The venue will be Det norske institutt i Roma (Istituto di Norvegia in Roma) at Viale Trenta Aprile 33, I – 00153, Roma. The event will take place in cooperation with the Norwegian Institute in Rome.
The Researchgroup on Subjectivation and late Modernity (Forskningsgruppen for subjektivering og senmodernitet) is a part of The Department of Philosophy (Institutt for filosofi og førstesemesterstudier) at the University of Bergen, Norway. Its aim is to explore the processes and problems of subjectivation in the complex cultural situation we experience within late Modernity. The Researchgroup was started in 2010 and has since then held a number of seminars with a range of topics that have been related to this aim. Central concepts and their related problems such as simulacra, simulation and the hyperreal, - technology, virtualisation and the media, - the situation of art and the status of the image, the problems of neoliberalism and the narcissistic culture of selfrealisation, have been discussed in various seminars. At these gatherings theorists important to our work have been discussed, such as Deleuze, Guattari, Virilio, Bataille, Baudrillard, Nietzsche and Perniola, to mention some of them.
The seminar in Rome in the spring of 2013 is conceived as a meetingplace for lectures, presentations and discussions between the distinguished Italian Philosopher Mario Perniola and the members of the researchgroup.

Thursday 21.03.13:
•Helge Pettersen (Associate Professor FoF):
From Expression to Simulation and Beyond. Sense/Feeling in Music and its changing Conditions seen through the Territories and Lines of Flight of Coltrane and Hendrix.
•Terje Hellesen (Novelist and Poet, Cand. Philol. of Philosophy): Literature: Life, Sense and Feeling - Poetics and Ontology.
•Remi Nilsen (Editor of the Norwegian edition of Le Monde Diplomatique, Cand.Philol. of Philosophy): Enigma of the Eternal Present – Communication in the Age of senseless Improduction.
•Kristin Sampson (Associate Professor FoF):
Beyond the Subject: Early Greek Conceptions of Corporeality.
•Stein Hevrøy (Master of Philosophy) and Hans-Jacob Ohldieck (Master of Literature, Ph.D. Candidate): Folds, Vitality and Fragility: Notes on the Philosophies of Gilles Deleuze and Mario Perniola and their Relations.

Friday 22.03.13:
•Robin Kirkhus (Cand.Philol. of Philosophy, Cand. Jur., Independent Researcher and Teacher): Beyond Oneness in Philosophy and Zen.
•Arild Utaker (Professor FoF): Philosophy and the Denial of the Body.
•Mario Perniola (Professor Tor Vergata): What is it Like to be a Plant?
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